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"Helicopter children" and "butterfly brains." ADHD: Perceptions, issues and implications.
Maras, Pam; Redmayne, Terry; Hall, Claire; Braithwaite, Deborah; et al
U Greenwich; London; England UK
Educational & Child Psychology , Vol 14(1) , 39-49 , 1997
Special Features: References
Language: English

Abstract: Advances the premise that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may apply to a small proportion of children and young people who experience particular difficulties that can best be described under the broad umbrella term emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBDs). It is proposed that just as with EBDs, there is a growing amount of folklore inherent in common perceptions of ADHD and that perceptions are directly related to professional practice. Preliminary findings from the University of Greenwich Kent EBD Project (Maras and Hall, 1996) are provided. 384 Ss, including teachers, school governors, managers and administrators, education committee members, educational psychologists, and parents, were asked to define ADHD and to describe its manifestations; they were also asked similar questions about EBDs. Data show that Ss are much more comfortable with the term ADHD than EBDs. It is suggested that the development of a typology of EBDs which encompasses ADHD and related concepts would serve as a useful starting point for effective differentiation. It is argued that to ignore underlying professional, learning, and curriculum needs and focus overly on the concept ADHD per se is at best short sighted. (© 1999 APA/PsycINFO, all rights reserved)

Subjects: Attention Deficit Disorder Behavior Problems Diagnosis Emotional Adjustment Hyperkinesis Adulthood Children Educational Psychologists Parents School Administrators Special Education Teachers application of diagnostic label attention deficit hyperactivity disorder vs emotional & behavioral difficulties on children teachers & school administrators &educational psychologists & parents

PsycINFO® Psychological Abstracts
© 2001 American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Dialog® File Number 11 Accession Number 1497237


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